Mura on the mend
A Paul Heroux Facebook image

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Attleboro mayor takes heat for donation plea to help pay his vet bills.


Recent veterinary bills for Mayor Paul Heroux’s beloved dog “Mura” are such that he has privately asked friends and family to “chip in” to help cover the cost.


But word of the donation request leaked out and caused some to call the plea “unethical.”


Hereaux’s mayoral salary is $115,898 a year whereas Mura’s vet bills are anticipated to run upwards of $7,000.


One would think that someone making 116 large a year could cover the bills, but apparantly Mayor Hereaux feels otherwise.


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Following the money
A Columbia Pictures image

A person involved with an animal rescue group who asked for anonymity said that the mayor should instead use his position to help raise money for people who are less well off and have sick pets. 


“I see people all the time who don’t have a dime, but have pets with serious illnesses, maybe a donation fund should be set up for them,” she said.


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Heroux speaking out in high dudgeon?
Image via the State House News Service

Heroux fired back, charging those who made his appeal public were simply trying to make him “look bad.”


He said his request for cash was a personal plea to family and friends only, not to the general public.


This is not the first time Heroux has faced criticism over his personal finances as pertain to his holding elective office.  Last year, Heroux was pressed to give up his state representative seat when he was elected mayor given heat over public criticism over such seen as double dipping of a sort.


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Love hurts?
A clip art image

Similar, Heroux’x puppy love is not the first time he has found himself in hot water over his affections as well as conversely oft-bite by other dogs while out campaigning.


In any event, benefactions to help out with vet bills are a gray area as regards Massachusetts campaign finance law even if Mayor Heroux has found himself bite by the Office of Campaign and Political Finance previously on unarguable campaign finance problems.


The same also goes for gifts of clothing and which – in turn – would go a long ways to explain how another as well as nowhere close to off the rack-sized South of Boston mayor with two children in college at last report but who is all but invariable sporting well-fitted attire as well as also typically well-attired, including frequently sporting french-cuffed dress shirts.


Koch voguing with city workers

French cuffs uncuffed while working a photo op
An old Facebook photo

On the other hand, his recent favoring of comfortable brown shoes with blue as well as other dark shades of suits leaves a lot to be desired, not to mention makes one wonder how he can afford a whole new wardrobe.


Source: Attleboro mayor takes heat for donation plea


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