– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
St Patrick’s Day sucker punching alleged.
In yet another Quincy Quincy News scoop, the Quarry has heard that things apparently got out of hand following Quincy’s annual St Patrick’s Day roast at the local Elks Club.
Apparently a number of attendees relocated to the club’s bar as one can only assume is to be expected on a Friday so as to continue to enjoy the conviviality of the day as well as event appropriate libations.
Per multiple reliable sources, things are said to have gone south around the normal start time of the cocktail hour.
Reports have it that after one can only assume was an errant use of a kitchen sink as a make-do receptacle of “filtered” Guinness, a said to be fifty-two or so year old one time Quincy city councillor and now Plymouth County commissioner stumbled back into bar.
Comments were apparently made about the creative use of the sink and its user is said to have responded to same by sucker punching a septuagenarian ex-cop.
While one can only assume under the circumstances that it probably wasn’t much of a punch – a punch is still punch.
As such, a complaint was filed and at last report a magistrate hearing is pending as the ex-cop doesn’t appear to be letting things slide.
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to endeavor to attend the hearing and then report on it unless, that is, things end up swept.
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