– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy City vehicles poaching ever scarcer parking near City Hall.
With the weekend giving rise to a lull in sexual abuses allegations of soon to be no longer prominent media or political figures, Quincy Quarry was finally able to return to its usual local news beats.
In this case, how City rides are already poaching on the now fewer public parking spaces in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station.
While previously reserved for City Hall employees parking spaces in front of station were “technically” all but eliminated so as to facilitate the impending partial demolition of the long condemned Quincy Center MBTA parking garage, what hack hire ever willingly gives up a privilege?
Especially one that is typically in turn so made unavailable to the general public.
In addition to the obvious photographic evidence gathered by intrepid Quincy Quincy photo personnel, the Quarry must only properly add that the photographed City of Quincy SUV has long been parked in this parking lot overnight on weeknights and over whole weekends so as to accommodate its designated user’s commute to and from home.
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to follow up by watching out for privately owned vehicles sporting City Hall employee parking stickers also poaching parking no longer reserved for the free as well as oh so convenient use by City Hall employees.
After all, assuming past practices as viable predictors of future performance, one can only reasonably suspect that a quick to follow exposé of parking poaching by city employees with their private vehicles is all but certain to be forthcoming shortly.
In fact, the Quincy Quarry Newsroom is already making book on who will be ensnared while poaching parking.
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