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Hillary Clinton’s latest email releases continue to convey secrets.
Hillary Clinton’s email problems continue with the release of the  final group from among of her 52,000 emails sent on her private server while she was winging her way around the world as well as winging it in general while she was the US Secretary of State.
Even worse for Clinton, word of this long ongoing National Security concern hit the fan on the eve of today’s Super Tuesday primary elections.

Wow Look what he can see A kevin lamarqueap photo

WOW! Look at how easily he can see!
A Kevin Lamarque/AP photo

While – admittedly – given what all was redacted, it is hard to determine what all in the way of secrets were problematically included in roughly one out of 25 of her emails.
Even so, it would appear that Clinton still has some explaining to do.
For example, to a federal grand jury.
In the meanwhile, grumbling continue to be rumbling within the inner offices at both 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington D.C.as well as 1000 Old Colony Farm Road in Langley VA over the so far refusal to indict by 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
Will things change?  If they do, expect Quincy Quarry to cover the news as only it does.
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