– Quincy news from Quincy Quarry News.

Brian mcnamee rip

A Brian McNamee website image

City Councillor Brian McNamee remembered.

As reported elsewhere with the usual grace except for an all too frequent cutting comment by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch that is all too typical whenever he is speaking without a script, longtime Ward Six City Councillor Brian McNamee died on the night before the Night before Christmas.

While Quincy Quarry did not always agree with Brian, it was all but impossible to dislike someone who all but invariably opened his comments with self-deprecation before he then offered often hard-hitting and thoughtful comment about whatever was the matter at hand.

Brian thus all but invariably made council meetings enjoyable during his exactly decade long tenure on the City Council.  One could never be quite sure of where he might go with his comments other than that he would all but invariably do so in ways both pithy as well as unvarnished.

In particular, the Quarry could not help but find favor with Brian’s rapier wit making sport of the all too often long bloviating and thankfully former City Councillor Dan Raymondi and later taking a broadsword to Dan after he became the Department of Public Works Commissar.

At the same time, Brian could show mercy as he went surprisingly easy on Spanky during the council’s review of the $14 million and still counting Winter of 2015 snow job.

More recently, it was particularly entertaining to watch Brian joist with his fellow council member Brian Palmucci even though in recent months the two of them often ended up voting the same way after they ended their banter as well as on more than a few occasions also so voting in the minority.

Brian’s passing will thus leave a unique as well as large void in the council on top of the voids caused by the departure of three veteran council members from office as their terms expire at the end of this month.

Www Lydonchapelforfunerals Com image

Lydon Chapel for Funerals
A lydonchapelforfunerals.com image

A combined viewing and wake is set for Monday, December 28 at the Lydon Chapel for Funerals in North Quincy between 4 PM and 8 PM and a funeral mass for Brian will be celebrated at 10 AM on Tuesday, December 29, at Sacred Heart Church, also in North Quincy.

For those who seek more information or care to offer online condolences, click here.

In the meanwhile as well as probably also again after his laying to rest, Quarry staffers are likely to be raising a glass or three in memory of Brian as they suspect that he would appreciate the gesture.

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