<![CDATA[Koch dpw trafficking
– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Koch sign trafficking has no obvious impact on morning commute.
This morning perhaps but a mere score of Koch campaign sign holding coat holders were out shortly after the break of dawn attempting to traffick votes for their at least financially cratering candidate.
Their impact, however, appeared minimal –  at best – as they scattered their meager resources over three separate venues and so further made meager their already meager presence.

Not friends or family members seeking worka quincy quarry news photo

No votes for Koch here
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

The only positive would appear that at least some of the campaign sign traffickers may be able to use a City of Quincy Department of Public Works truck to head out to eventually perhaps do (some, ed.) actual work on behalf of City of Quincy residents.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to City of Quincy Department of Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi for comment, however, it has more important things to do than listen to Spanky go on and on and on even more about the hardworking men and (some, ed.) women at the DPW when the Quarry as well as every increasing more Quincy residents know better.
Out in the trasha qq citizen photojournalist photo

Koch sign trafficking falling with fall leaves?
A QQ Citizen PhotoJournalist file photo

At the same time, the Quarry does not understand why the clearly at least financially foundering Koch campaign continues to focus on campaign signs when everyone else knows that signs don’t vote.
Even more troubling for the embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch, however, is that while sign holders can vote, he seems to have fewer and fewer of them out coat holding signs for him as election day nears.
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