<![CDATA[Now even the sidewalks are crooked a quincy quarry news photo
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Quincy Center’s latest new sidewalk’s curbing is at least sideways, if not also crooked.
The Hancock Street realignment project has long been touted by Koch Maladministration as (eventually, ed.) providing wider sidewalks, making the Adams Green possible and calming – or at least slowing down – traffic in Quincy Center.
So far, however,  while some sidewalks are looking to (again: eventually, ed.) become wider, at least the sidewalks in front of President Place on Hancock Street and on Granite Street opposite the likely to somewhat soon be former Stop and Shop corporate headquarters have been reduced in width.

Now even the sidewalks are crookeda quincy quarry news photo

Streetlight in the street and sidewalks narrower
Quincy Quarry News file photos conjoined

Also, funding for actually building the duly embattled incumbent Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s grandiose and multiple “water-feature” featuring and at last count $30 million Adams Green project is not exactly funded within Koch’s latest 9-figure and still ultimately taxpayer-funded scheme to attempt to redevelop Quincy Center.
It is further only balanced and fair to report that traffic flow through Quincy Center continues to be greatly reduced given the long ongoing construction on the Old City Hall renovation project that is running well past its many promised completion dates now long past.
end road work sign not near any road work quincy quarry news photo

“End Road Work” sign not near any road work
A Quincy Quarry News file photo.

As a result, the innumerable delays on the old City Hall project have only further worsened the traffic impairments caused by the also looking to be running late Hancock Street realignment project.
It is also only fair to note that trafficking appears to be up, if not way up, in Quincy Center – or at least in Quincy – of late.
In any event, Quincy Center would thus appear to have something new to go along with its misaligned new sidewalks along Hancock Street: crooked curbs.
Quincy city hall fortifications construction quincy news photo

Iconic image of City Hall
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Granted, all sorts of things have long been viewed as crooked in the Q, but never before as far as Quincy Quarry could determine the existence of such clearly crooked curbs.
Purportedly crooked road construction firms, yes, but actually crooked curbs would appear to be a new manner of crooked in the Q.
As such, expect Quincy Quarry to continue spending time in the gutter trying to undercover the reason for this new spate of crooked in the Q.
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