– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Ward One City Councillor ward heeler caught weaseling on trafficking?
Commuters traveling on Quincy Shore Drive have long as well as often used Samoset Street in the otherwise quiet Merrymount neighborhood of Quincy to bypass the often back-up traffic on Sea Street to cut over to Southern Artery.
In turn, so impacted Merrymount residents have sought traffic control signage relief for at least the last three and a half years.
More recently, neighborhood meetings were held roughly a year ago.
Residents so told city officials of their long suffering woes, including fear for the children’s safety as well as suffering actual costly damage inflicted by passing through Masshole drivers.
In turn, local officials promised that traffic calming efforts would be added in support of the long pretty much ignored as well as vandalized “No Right Turn” street sign posted at the intersection of Quincy Shore Drive and Samoset Street.
Then nothing happened, other than that last fall City Hall purportedly stated to certain impacted Merrymount residents that it was waiting for the neighborhood’s ward councillor to file the appropriate ordinance paperwork and such as such is what must be done.
Amazingly, as it later turned out, the Koch Maladministration apparently spoke the truth for a change.
Regardless of this rare instance of honesty, months more passed and an understandably concerned Samoset resident then posted a polite inquiry on her ward councillor’s extremely active Facebook page as to the status of the traffic control request.
As could only be expected, internet trolls came out of the internet to denigrate the perfectly appropriate inquiry as hoity-toity and worse as well as defend the indefensible actions of this ward Councillor and ward heeler by asserting that she is the hardest working member of the City Council.
Apparently, the lack of actual successful as well as truly beneficial accomplishments were not considered as relevant rating criteria.
In any event, per the painstaking cut and paste copying by Quarry Quincy interns, this often heated Facebook thread fraught with often not so humble opinion can be seen here and Quincy Quarry readers can thus read it and then come to their own opinions.
In Quincy Quarry’s unbowed opinion, the ward heeler of a ward Councillor appears to have been caught telling unarguable untruths on her Facebook page or – at minimum – talking out of both of her primary orifices at the same time telling at least two different stories.
One would think that after so being outed proliferating apparent untruths would be the end of it and that things would finally be taken care of.Instead, however, not only did the ward heeler fail to offer up a proper as well as only properly contrite mea culpa and then only properly thus end any further comment on this heated thread, she then unbelievably both publicly and privately commenced to ignore The First Rule of Holes by digging herself in deeper into her own bovine byproduct.

Masshole making illegal turn onto Samoset
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see No Right Turn sign
Again, key to her self-inflicted problem is that the ward heeler had failed to properly file the necessary and ultimately basic paperwork to seek approval of the standard sorts of traffic signage changes sought by long-terrified Samoset Street residents.
This apparent failure to but do her job was underscored during last Monday’s last regular full session meeting of the City Council when she rather inarticulately tried to both affect doing something while at the same time not offering up any clear particulars at a point when time had already run out to see anything done until the City Council returns in the fall from its regular summer recess.
Further, the ward heeler is said to have later attempted to offload her solely culpable malfeasance onto the City Council President over his purported unwillingness to pull her considerable fat out of the fire.
Specifically, he apparently would not bail her out on her belatedly effort to finally start doing what only she can initiate as he apparently would not schedule an extraordinarily special as well as expensive to hold special session during the summer recess to address her single and long procrastinated request.
Adding further self-injury upon herself, the ward heeler apparently also concurrently failed to appreciate the abject inadvisability of offending the man with the gavel, especially via her apparently dishonest attempt to continue to try to duck her sole culpability to undertake a relatively simple task long promised to have been done after she had apparently already been caught in web of continuing canards.
The ward heeler is said to have then further apparently asserted that the State Representative was speaking an untruth when he said that the Commonwealth had no say in what the City of Quincy might decide to do as regards local traffic management and signage efforts that do not involve a state roadway.
So what, apparently, for the fact that the state rep was both speaking the truth as well as had apparently also secured formal confirmation of same from an appropriate state official.
Then to all but complete her digging herself in deeper, if not also to China, the ward heeler along the way apparently further promised the long suffering Merrymount residents that the requested signage would be installed by today (Friday).
So what also, apparently, for the fact that she has no operational authority to see such happen. Further, apparently the City Clerk made it clear to apparently everyone other than the apparently unlistening as well as desperate ward heeler that any new traffic control signage was not going to be installed without due process having been done – including its processing by his office – no matter how much she might care to throw her considerable weight around.
Expect to see Quincy Quarry to continue to expose any further egregious actions by this hack of a ward heeler so long as she is in office or otherwise dining at the public trough.
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