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A too late hosing of the sodding?
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see brown sodding in the foreground
Quincy High School’s suspected parcourse sodding has also been hosed.
After a near two months-long drought in Eastern Massachusetts, Koch Maladministration minions rolled out heavy water cannon artillery this past Saturday in a way too late as usual as well as last minute attempt to try to save the sodding at the also running late as usual suspected parcourse and memorial parking lot projects in front of Quincy High School.
This latest hosing of both local taxpayers as well as the local private private property owners who actually pay water bills in the Q is particularly galling as the local weather forecast is predicting up to several inches of steady rainfall over the next several days.
This latest mess was further compounded by the fact that new and surely expensive plantings planted elsewhere to dress up the parcourse were left to dry out and so wither as they were not hosed.
Quincy Quarry thought about reaching out to the Koch Maladministration for comment about this latest Q-up among many.
After all, this project is now entering its seventh month of running past its expected near completion per City of Quincy Director of Parks & Forestry Executive Director Chris Cassani who stated that this “. . . project – to include a new stone wall, benches and parking spaces – should be mostly finished and open to the public in November.”
After all, it is now the very end of May and while arguably approaching close to finished, it is not yet ” . . . open to the public. . . “
Not even close per Quincy Quarry’s estimate.
Then again, six months late is pretty much par for the Koch.
Plus, the Quarry knew that no appropriate senior-level officials were working in City Hall and thus there was no point in bothering to call City Hall as surely most of the usual suspects were suspected to be working hard at Koch Campaign headquarters on other sorts of damage control problems.
Either that or perhaps meeting with defense counsel for all manner of reasons readily obvious.
In any event, the damage was pervasive, including a number of holly bushes that are all but as dead as Buddy Holly.
Unlike the possible pending investigation of the plane crash that took the life of Buddy the National Transportation Safety Board (“NSTB”), it is unlikely that the carnage at the parcourse will be investigated regardless of how much People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants (“PETP”) might care to protest this clear case of plant abuse.
In any event, Quincy’s physical image maven nonpareil, duly embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch is thought to perhaps be training for the inaugural run-though of parcourse photo op whenever the parcourse might finally be completed.
Per a widely suspected – at least around the Quincy Quarry Newsroom – Green Screen full-body transplant PhotoShopped photo, Quincy’s vertically, horizontally as well as electorally challenged mayor is currently so purported to be but be a near sliver of his former self.
Alternatively, perhaps the stress of being a duly embattled incumbent is taking its toll.
Regardless of the actual truth, Quincy Quarry’s evergrowing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to continue to cover this sodding as well as is now also a hosing.
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