– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Quincy snow misery coverage to be considered for a Pulitzer Prize?
Quincy Quarry’s image manipulation experts have finally wrapped up complying, editing, and manipulating its unparalleled coverage of the abuse heaped upon locals by last winter’s snow.
That and especially the Koch Maladministration’s wholly inept response to same.
The impact of this massive shitzsturm of snow is beyond merely gobsmacking.

“Money for nothin’ and chicks for free”?
A cheat-sheet.com image
The total cost, including damage done to both private and public property by snow removal personnel, is expected to blow past $14 million – twice that of Worcester and in spite of the fact that Wusta has has twice as many miles of roads as does the Q.
Similarly, the very much less than adept Team Koch snow jobbers spent more than just about any other municipality in Eastern Massachusetts per just about any valid points of comparison.
In fact, only far in more densely developed, much hillier, and often narrow streets of the City of Somerville did the cost to clear snow on per square mile run only slightly more than what was misspent by the Koch Maladministration Quincy on a per-mile basis for a lesser quality of snow job.
A significantly lesser quality snow job.
Conversely, Quincy spent more per mile of road than did the City of Boston as well as – again – for a significantly lesser quality snow job.
Quincy Quarry thus produced the following video as a public service so as to attempt to numb some of the pain for the local taxpayers who will be paying for this particular instance of Koch Maladministration’s incompetence over the next three years.
At the same time, the suits in Quincy Quarry’s Legal Department have insisted that Quincy Quarry readers be advised of this shocking video’s potential to trigger a relapse of Snow Daze Stress Disorder (“SDSD”).
As such, anyone who feels vulnerable to potentially suffering an attack of SDSD or perhaps an SDSD relapse should confer with her or his treatment provider before perhaps then viewing this video compilation of potentially Pulitzer Prize-winning Quincy Quarry Winter of 2015 snow images.
Similarly, local property taxpayers should consider doing likewise before meeting with their tax return advisers.
We paid $14 Million for that? To have snow plows mow down hydrants, light poles and signs?
Pretty much. That and “indirectly” funding campaign contributions to the Koch Committee from the private companies who raked in most of the 14 large.