<![CDATA[Frozen tundra in front of quincy higha quincy quarry news file photo
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy public schools remain closed on Ground Hog’s Day and for how much longer who only knows.
So much for Global Warming as local parents continue to be on edge as local school closings have run a full week with no certain end in sight.
Quincy Quarry photography personnel have photographically documented an extensive album of snowbound Quincy via  exhaustive trudging of the many “goat paths” that pass for residential streets in Quincy.

Snow covered drop off parking lane at quincy high a quincy quarry news photo

Snow-covered drop-off parking lane at Quincy High
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Even worse, the mind boggles as to how local parents will manage once school might eventually reopen.
On one hand, helicopter moms will likely react to often massive snow drifts-impaired access to school drop-off points and thus many  will surely opt to walk their children to their schools’ front doors – if, that is, the entrances can actually be found – if not also deliver them directly to their classrooms in the morning AND then pick them up from same at the end of the school day.
And on the other, the every growing extension of the final day of school for this year is surely wreaking havoc with family summer vacation plans.
In the meanwhile, some among the local schools’ Parent/Teacher Organizations are calling for the school district to bring in Snowbound Traumatic Stress Disorder clinical expert treatment teams to head off parents from going “Postal.”
Regardless of how much more chaotic things are feared to become, Quincy Quarry’s devoted readers can count on it to continue covering this most horrific snowbound story since the Donner Party.
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