Flew The Q

Not in the qStories about people and businesses that have left the Q for one reason or another, usually something unique to Quincy that makes life or success difficult for its residents and businesses.

As such, feel free to Submit Your Stories.


Latest Posts from “Flew the Q”

Fashion flees the Q

Fashion flees the Q

In a day when clothing sales are ever-increasingly moving to the cold and utterly impersonal realm of online sales, the passing of Grandasia represents yet another sad decline of the human touch as well as yet another local institution that long made Quincy Quincy.

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No more Pu Pu for you

No more Pu Pu for you

Long a Neckker favorite for takeout as well as for playing Keno while sitting down for a meal, the Imperial Terrace was known for its abiding by Quincy diners’ preference for quantity over quality …

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No Joke

No Joke

Don’s Joke Shop is no more.  Arguably the last remaining retail store from Quincy Center’s hay day as Shoppers Town USA has closed.

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