Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
As such, Quincy Quarry welcomes all dimes and smartphone photos dropped its way.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: the Tax Man Cometh
While many are likely still digging out from underneath the debris left behind from Christmas, the Koch Maladministration is in the process of piling on with its latest shakedown off local taxpayers.
Quincy Crane Main Library Tree Down over the Long Holiday Weekend #departmentofnaturalresources
No idea when the tree went down, however, as the Quincy Quarry’s holiday weekend News crew was pretty much holed in the Quarry’s employee lounge binging on football as well as draining the free beer taps and chowing downing the game days’ buffet offerings.
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets – First day back from vacay the Quarry’s scanner monitor picks word of an armed robbery
Armed robbery today during lunch time at the Adams Street package store opposite the home of the Whopper.
Happy Kwanzaa!
After Hanukkah and Christmas comes Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa runs for seven days from the day after Christmas until New Year’s Day and it celebrates things African America as well as more.
The Day After Christmas … #santaclaus #northpole
And not even a mouse has risked coming out to snack on Christmas cookie crumbs. Seriously, embrace the chaos.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Yo, ho, ‘ho …
What more can be said than that some things never change in the Q …
Yet another female subjected to sexual assault at Wollaston Red Line Station #quincypolice #mbtapolice #mbta
This third incident of harassing a female at the Wollaston Red Line station over the past six weeks has received all but universal coverage by local and regional media outlets.
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets – Quincy’s new Target a target for shoplifters #target #quincypolicedepartment
North Quincy’s Target location has been open for over a year and already police radio calls tied to it are regularly heard. The primary reason? Shoplifting.
Quincy Quarry News Christmas Holiday Plans
For the next few days Quincy Quarry’s working plan is to defer to Santa to deliver lumps of coal to those deserving of same if not also more. A lot more.
Koch Maladministration tap dances around continued delays and cost overruns on city projects in front of Quincy City Council
The presentation was a dog and pony show with the dog a mutt and the pony lame.
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