Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Gone Fishing!
This past week’s holiday Monday and finally pleasant fall weather after weeks of rainy weather gave rise to a bit of hooky at Quincy Quarry.
Turtleboy’s AIdan Kearney Arrested on Multiple Charges Tied to Karen Read Murder Case
Subsequent to his arrest, Kearney was arraigned at Stoughton District Court and multiple reports cite that extra security was in place at the courthouse for the arraignment.
Heavy Snow Coming? More Anyway …
Climate change notwithstanding, a step backwards towards historical levels of snowfall is only reasonable to expect as within the realm of possibility even if warmer weather is only reasonable to expect over the long haul.
Boston Accent Named Most Annoying
As comes as no great surprise to most anyone, the Boston accent was recently ranked as both the least attractive and most annoying.accent.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: This, That and the Other
Especially the other …
Another Quincy Local Tells Koch Campaign Junk Caller Quincy Quarry News is the Top Source for News About Quincy
Needless to, Quincy Quarry can now only properly encourage other loyal readers who have been similarly bothered by such koched-up junk calls to post comments to this Quincy Quarry story about their similarly being bothered.
National Taco Day is Today!
National Taco Day is today even if today is not a Tuesday.
Emergency Alert Test Warning!
The reason for this warning about an alert? On top of the usual “This is a test” message interrupting regular radio and television programming, this “President Alert” will entail even more distraction on cellphones.
Quincy House Struck by Motor Vehicle — A Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippet
While a house whacking is nothing new in the Q, what is new is how early in the month this latest local house whacking happened and so kept the string of whackings alive.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Crime Marches On!
The week past got off to a bad start with crime and drugs in Quincy as the prime problems.
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