Citizen Journalism
Quincy Quarry truly believes in “Citizen Journalism” – the notion that regular people can often cover the news just as well – if not often better – than those who graduated from the journalism program at a certain Manhattan university.
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Latest Citizen Journalism Posts
Campaign Lawn Sign Post Election Clean-up Not Happen in Quincy?
Usual local policies and practices regarding yard lawn signs is for their respective candidates to see them gathered up within five days to a week after election day. In this and other cases, however, such does not always happen.
A Bah Humbug Quincy Quarry News Merry Christmas Yo Ho Ho To You
From everyone at Quincy Quarry News to you, may your Christmas be bright!
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Rollover In Quincy Center
No word yet if this crash was care of a Christmas shopper driving faster than the limit, the result of collusion with another vehicle, or perhaps care of swerving too abruptly to avoid a pothole along this well-worn run of road.
Chicago Corrupt Politician Convicted!
In a case that has surely made at least certain Massachusetts politicians nervous, a longtime Chicago Alderman was convicted by the jury for a federal court trial on all but one count on various charges mostly tied to corruption.
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Pedestrian Whacked On South Street
At approximately 6:30pm today, a police radio call when out that a pedestrian was struck by a motor vehicle on South Street.
Quincy City Hall’s Nutcracker Cracked during Monday’s storm
With the Nutcracker found by Quincy Quarry News personnel without a pulse, City Hall security was so undercut.
Power and Traffic Lights Out In Quincy Center
In particular, it appeared that the lights were out inside of City Hall as opposed to its usual surfeit of dim bulbs.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Lights, Camera, Action!!!
Not only was a movie company do some location shoots in and around Quincy, what would a week be without a pedestrian whacking?
Quincy Washington Street Friday Night Fire
A potentially much worse fire was averted given a maximum and effective response by the Quincy Fire Department.
Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Pedestrian Down Near Quincy Square
This latest pedestrian whacking in Quincy occurred at least near the problematic “Hawk Lights” traffic signals for the crosswalk located between Craig’s Restaurant and the Hancock Cemetery next to Old City Hall.
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