Rolling a fatty
Image via Boston/Fox 25

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Police warn 420 celebrators to stay off the roads today.


420 has become both shorthand for smoking marijuana as well as so further firing up viewing April 20th as the informal annual day for marijuana aficionados to celebrate marijuana. 


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Firing up a fatty
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So what, apparently, for the fact that the origin for 420 is as a code of a sort for a time and a specific place to meet to start searching for marijuana. 


Time or date – neither of which are of much concern for tokers – confusion notwithstanding, the reasons for police officers’ warning to marijuana users to stay of the road include that a recent article in the Journal of American Medicine found that the number of fatal car crashes increased by 12 percent every April 20th after 4:20 PM. 

Source: Police warn 420 celebrators to stay off the roads

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