The U.S. could have hundreds of thousands of fewer births next year than it would have in the absence of a pandemic.  Image via The Atlantic.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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COVID-19 Baby Bust Coming?

One would think that given the considerable reduction in things to do care of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and after streaming one’s brains out that we should be looking at at least a baby boomlet – after all, urban lore has it that the power outage of 1965 which struck New York and elsewhere boosted births nine months later.

Instead, however, birth rates are expected to decline, if not plummet. 

Rationales behind the expectation of a baby bust include that a birth decline happened care of both the worldwide influenza epidemic a hundred years ago and the Great Recession during mostly the 1930’s.

Key factors include economics – having a baby and then raising a child is an expensive proposition.

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That and perhaps how working remotely at home takes the thrill out of messing around at the office.

Then again, how considerable will be the drop in births come the New Year and nine months after the start of the pandemic is still a bit speculative.  The reason?  Good data are somewhat scarce as healthcare data collection personnel have been focusing on COVID-19 related data and thus matters obstetric are taking a backseat but which this time is apparently not resulting in much in the way of conceptions.

Source: Here Comes the COVID-19 Baby Bust

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