Patriots Lose Season Finale, Belichick Era Over?
Adding insult to injury, the Jets win broke their fifteen game losing streak to the Patriots dating back to November 27, 2016.
Adding insult to injury, the Jets win broke their fifteen game losing streak to the Patriots dating back to November 27, 2016.
As the impending nor’easter approach, various official,news media, and other forecasts are steadily moving towards a consensus. And as for the consensus, the consensus continues to move slowly but steadily towards likely to be more more snow from this storm.
Have Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers taken the Quarry’s heed and so opted to duly prepare for this weekend’s impending now expected to be officially declared storm warning? Perhaps.
Even worse, there are indications that a follow-up storm may roll into the area around Tuesday.
To put it mildly, the Patriots have fallen. Fallen hard to next to the bottom of heap as of unlucky Week 13 of the National Football League season.