Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Bad code happens
Following a cloud server provider change, a software plug-in module used in support of related software needs turned out to be defective.
Following a cloud server provider change, a software plug-in module used in support of related software needs turned out to be defective.
The disruption was a fatal software glitch from a plug-in software package arising from a recent server cloud vendor service. In short, coding glitches also happen,
Unfortunately for understandably vengeance-seeking Quincy locals, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch will continue to be the MBTA Board of Directors most senior member.
The City of Quincy’s emergency dispatch radio went to DEFCON One with calls for an all but all emergency units rollout to a Wollaston Beach packie that had been whacked by vehicle strike as opposed to tapped by someone packing a piece.
New MBTA General Manager Phillip Eng suffered a derailment on the Blue Line on Monday and then a second derailment on Tuesday on the Red Line on his first week on the job.