by Eric Blair | Sep 14, 2021 | Behind the Qurtain, Featured Articles
For those who regularly traffick their way through Quincy Square, they surely saw the massive erections of temporary open-air pavilions set up on the Edifice Complex that is Kim Jong Koch Plaza
by Eric Blair | Sep 13, 2021 | Featured Articles, Only In The Q
One can only assume that the Koch Maladministration was preparing for an expected white-glove inspection in spite of the fact that such inspections are the provenance of drill sergeants and certain petty officers.
by Eric Blair | Sep 10, 2021 | Featured Articles, Only In The Q
Apparently it takes two workers to lay but a few square feet of sod …
by Eric Blair | Aug 18, 2021 | Breaking Bad, Featured Articles
“All that high-falutin’ rhetoric about freedom and democracy, and we find out that our war is being run as though it were a Middlesex County road crew. I admire the departed Afghan government’s dedication to the classics, however.”
by Eric Blair | Jul 30, 2021 | Featured Articles, International Aggravation
the Quarry shifted its focus a bit this week by running a feature on how to combat smartphone hackers and so relented, however briefly, on whacking on local hack hires and empty suits.