The Koch Maladministration continues to screw the pooch
Actually, more like screwed a whole litter of puppies as well as a clowder of kittens.
Actually, more like screwed a whole litter of puppies as well as a clowder of kittens.
As only could only be expected, a piece of sod laid down to patch a spot of turf trashed by foot traffic as well as excessive watering has ended up sodded and has been the case on a number of occasions previously.
“MassDOT anticipates that the Generals Bridge will reach Full Beneficial Use by the end of 2021. Please note that the work is weather dependent and subject to change.” In other words, do not plan on full beneficial use of the bridge to happen until around Presidents Day in the City of Presidents.
After all, MassDOT is what it is.
Turf adjacent to Kim Jong Koch Plaza took a beating care of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s hosting of a well into six figures private gala featuring an open bar and filet mignon on the dinner menu.
In short as well as with arguable local parallels, North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un is showing off his makeover.