by Carl Woodward | Jun 17, 2021 | Featured Articles, Only In The Q
As usual, nothing is too good for Kim Jong Koch Plaza even if a landscaper maintenance grade leaf blower could do the trick to clear away what little litter accumulates between multiple times per week power washings of the plaza.
by Carl Woodward | Jun 10, 2021 | Breaking Bad, Featured Articles
The Koch Maladministration copped a plea for a hundred large rather than risk ending whacked even harder at trial given the underlying United States Environmental Protection Agency (“US EPA”) lawsuit against the City of Quincy over its dumping raw sewerage and other pollutants into Boston Harbor.
by Carl Woodward | Jun 5, 2021 | Behind the Qurtain, Featured Articles
In the second display of most unexpected as well as gobsmacking showings of spinal rectitude by the Quincy City Council in as many months, at least two councillors only properly called a halt to the council’s review of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s FY 2022 several budgets requests.
by Carl Woodward | Jun 3, 2021 | Behind the Qurtain, Featured Articles
In a second and all but unprecedented showing of spinal rectitude by a long mostly invertebrate and so supine as well as compliant City Council in as many months, Quincy’s Ward 3 City Councillor courageously called for a hard stop on considering the Koch Maladministration’s thoroughly koched-up FY 2022 budget proposal.
by Carl Woodward | May 27, 2021 | Featured Articles, Only In The Q
The credit rating downgrade hit the fan just as Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s variously problematic high-risk plan to bail out the City of Quincy’s woeful underfunded pension fund was formally presented by the Koch Maladministration to the City Council for the council’s consideration.