Quincy At Large City Councillor Anne Mahoney pulls papers to run for mayor of Quincy
This will be Councillor Mahoney’s third run for mayor and clearly she is expecting that her third try will be the charm.
This will be Councillor Mahoney’s third run for mayor and clearly she is expecting that her third try will be the charm.
Part 1 of a sure to be many part series
Quincy peerless mayor officially announced yet another reelection bid yesterday and as has long been expected by Quincy Quarry as well as most of its ever-growing legions of loyal readers.
Amazingly, there was no word of those now on probation seeing their playlists limited to Baby Shark during their sentences of time on probation.
Pedestrian fatalities statewide were up 35% in 2022 from 2021 per a study recently released. Even worse for Quincy locals, local fatalities were 37% higher in 2022 than the statewide average on a per capita basis.