Coronavirus Shopping: Toilet Paper Makers Say ‘What We Are Dealing With Here Is Uncharted’
Even so, in time of crisis ingenuity comes to the fore and those without TP are coming up with creative ways to deal with #2.
Even so, in time of crisis ingenuity comes to the fore and those without TP are coming up with creative ways to deal with #2.
“We are seeing that,” Hostess Brands CEO Andy Callahan said when asked if he is seeing a bump in sales as people stock up in case they end up trapped at home given a Corona virus outbreak.
No word yet, however, where the restaurant will be located, much less any hints on where to find my lost shaker of salt …
What a difference a week can make, especially when it comes to this election cycle …
The City of Quincy’s plastic bag ban takes effect on the first of March, along with the start of a 90-day transition period to allow retailers and customers to get used to the new law.