The First Lesson of Marriage 101: There Are No Soul Mates
Rom Com’s on Netflix and other streaming services notwithstanding, a successful marriage depends on other factors than the ethereal notion of a soul mate.
Rom Com’s on Netflix and other streaming services notwithstanding, a successful marriage depends on other factors than the ethereal notion of a soul mate.
Dog: looking to make a statement when you pop the question? A really big statement?
As ugly as things beaome when multitudes of parents were involuntarily tasked with at least facilitating homeschooling given COVID-19 pandemic school closings, there is a potential silver lining to the wintertime shitschturm that is a school snow day
Think cabin fever and/or a clingy pet are bad while working from home during Coronavirus pandemic?
The key is to endeavor the level of persistence and patience undertaken while housebreaking and obedience training your furball. That and start doing so now in advance of need.