Want to wow your forever mate?  Bring the Wienermobile to your proposal.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night”

Oscar Mayer’s Wienermobile can be there for you when you pop the question!

Dog: looking to make a statement when you pop the question?

A really big statement?

Oscar Mayer has your back!

Starting this week, the Wienermobile is available for those planning to pop the question. 

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What would Freud say?
An Oscar Mayer image

Just be sure to request the Wienermobile at least three weeks in advance of your special day and – depending on availability and some flexibility as to when and where – the Wienermobile will serve as a backdrop when you pop the question.

While for various understandable reasons (read insurance), the lucky couple will not be able to go for ride on the Wienerwagen, much less “celebrate” the ask on its backseat, they will be allowed to use it as a backdrop for taking selfies to memorialize the ask.

Living up to a giant wiener on the honeymoon, however, is his problem.

Source: Oscar Mayer’s Wienermobile is here for you when you pop the question

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