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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.
The Quincy Quarry News news crew has been working hard hoisting more than a few in advance of the local amateur night of the year that is St Patrick’s Day.
First up regarding things Irish in recent days was word that the plight of Quincy Center’s only cozy Irish pub’s struggles with koched-up developer landlords who have been trying to evict the pub in spite of a looking to be valid lease option has gone international.
Granted, while a formal ruling by a judge given duly filed litigation remains to be issued, the in-house touts at Quincy Quarry News are seeing action in favor of the pub prevailing.
Seriously in favor of the pub.
Then again, such is only as it should as the pub’s landlords have previously lost in court endeavoring to pull the essentially same stunt with at least one other tenant elsewhere.
In short, mess with Karma at one’s peril.
Next up, Quincy Quarry News weighted in with its prognostications as to where will Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch likely be hosting his annual corned beef and cabbage and for some well-lubricated moveable feast this year.
After all, this feasting and for some drinking has had to move along given past shall we say indiscretions.
Multiple indiscretions as a matter of fact with extra more of the same likely feting of St. Patrick to begin on Friday and then continue until St. Patrick’s Day on Monday.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News will do what it can to see that it has personnel in place to exposé incidents of too many green pints downed by City Hall and otherwise connected insiders over the expected long holiday weekend.
In particular, having the Quarry’s Citizen Police Scanner Monitors monitoring for only reasonable to be expect incidents involving those who end up slurring that most infamous of Massachusetts’ many lines: “Do you know who i am?”
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