Image via The Cigar Life Guy
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.
In spite of taking a pounding in recent weeks over his plans to put constitutionally and otherwise proscribed bas relief statutes of Roman Catholic saints on the public property that is the impending new City of Quincy Police Headquarters and which is already nicknamed the Death Star by local police officers, Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch rolled out his plans to octuple down on his Agalmatophilia,Complex spending of taxpayers’ money with a dollop of Edifice Complex on the side to see a small pocket park featuring a statue of John Quincy Adams completed by his July 11 birthday but more likely perhaps by his father’s birthday on October 30.
A key reason for this statuary park is that Mayor Koch koched-up on seeing a proper statute of John Quincy Adam in Quincy Center when a perfectly lovely statue of him with his mother Abigail was not replaced when Koch spent $35 million on Kim Jong Koch Plaza, once formerly known as the Hancock Adams Green.
Koch also failed to replace the half of the statue what was of his mother Abigail but was he later shamed into seeing Abigail duly honored given the hectoring of inexcusably offended and mostly local women even if Koch managed to both cheaped out on doing so while at the same time needlessly overspending on the statute that was thrown up by him.
Further problems with the impending small statuary pocket park’s plans include that it will reduce local property tax revenue by over $47,000 a year by taking the land off of the local tax rolls as well as stick local taxpayers with the cost of maintaining this modest green space mostly for the benefit of a Quincy-based mutual insurance company that has long been talking up building on the other side of the street a fourteen story or thereabouts mixed use building on property owned by it that is currently used as a parking lot.
Then again, the mayor has a long history of providing incentives to favored special interests at the expense of local taxpayers so why not yet another one?
And as for yet another problem, Mayor Koch yet also commissioned this latest City of Quincy statue with a Soviet-trained and thus Stalinist school sculptor as well as apparently not putting the commission out for public bidding, much sought any public input or even provided knowledge of his heretofore until recently secret install prominent saints of his Roman Catholic faith on public property.
I am sure the previous owner of the property made a deal with Mayor Koch that beifitted both parties. Watch the campaign donations the family will be giving thousands on paper.
BTW what is the plan for the church the city just purchasd on Lincoln ave. Now the taxpayers will be payin for the unkeep and utilities on a chuch ! Maybe this will be the new meeting place/club house for the Mayors Men of Mercey. They can cut back on the heat if they wear the vest that were purchased with stolen city funds courtsey of Tom Clasby whom is currently charged with stealing funds from the city’s senior center.
You cannot make this stuff up The Kock clan and the rubber stamp council are one of a kind. DiBona’s best line this week was in a question, how big will the gym in the new police station be? mean while the room was full of Taxpayers wanting to know about the exceess spending. Once again Devine through a series of ah’s proceed to tell the crowd what a good job the council does.