A Michelle Bates/Mindon-Press Herald image


— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.


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A Traffic violation miracle?
A Reddit post

Quincy red light jumper seen pulled over by Quincy Police!

In what many may see as a miracle and others as a likely losing battle against masshole drivers, someone posted on social media word of seeing a traffic law violator pulled over by a Quincy police officer.

No idea, however, if the poster posted her but more likely his post while driving.

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“The Beaver” and now surely not a proud father
An old North Quincy High yearbook photo

In any event, while rare in the days when one of Mayor Koch’s brothers-in-law “The Beaver” was surely but coincidentally the Quincy Chief of Police as well as thus perhaps more occupied with protecting his now former Quincy police detective son and thus a mayoral nephew “Randy” Andy,” the somewhat recently and pretty much had to named top of the Civil Service list going away and enviable resume including possessing a law degree, the newish Quincy Police Chief is changing up things with addressing traffic scofflaws most definitely on his to-do list.

After all, pedestrian strikes and vehicular crashes, including house whackings, are on the upswing in Quincy. 

Seriously on the upside.

In turn, the Quarry’s Citizen Traffic Monitor has anecdotally seen an apparent increase in traffic violation sting operations recently and if social media is talking up same, such are self-reinforcing towards a likely actual verity. 

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A local package store vehicle whacking scene
An exclusive Quincy Quarry News Citizen Photojournalist image

Next up, a bit of inside policing: traffic violation sting operations at problematic intersections and such pose considerable impact on already hard-pressed regular local police work schedules.

As such, traffic stings are often funded via typically federal grants that provide the means to fund overtime pay to undertake traffic violation stings.

As such, with a new sheriff in town, perhaps the Quincy Police Department is now better able to secure such grants.

After all, abusing such grant funding by a now-convicted felon former head of the Quincy Police Special Operations unit was one of his favorite ways to double dip himself with illegal pay and perhaps the Quincy Police Department so ended up placed on double secret probation.

At least until Elon Musk and his typically barely twentysomething DOGE tech nerd bros likely whack such grant funding so that Trump can score a photo op as well as offset his only to be expected tax cuts to be provided to the stupid rich and major corporations, that is.

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