A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.
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Dried out brine waiting for commute traffic to undermine it
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

In advance of today’s expected messy snow event, yesterday the City of Quincy brined main streets throughout Quincy.

Brining streets is a proven as well as can be a cost-effective pre-snowstorm step to take to variously facilitate snow clearing from streets. 
At the same time, what sorts of snowstorms as well as when to spread brine on streets are important factors in the use of brine.
Brining is best done as close to the start of an expected snow event as possible as traffic and wind can blow away brine after it dries.
Even so, the City of Quincy opted to spread brine before both an evening and a morning commutes before the expected snow event and which will result in a detrimental spread of dried out brine from local streets.
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A showing of doing something?
Image via procarelandscape-com.

On the other hand, spreading brine does provide a visual illusion that actually effective steps are underway in advance of an impending snow event even if ultimately at a minimum ill-timed to a point perhaps also ineffectual. .

That and put premium overtime pay in the pockets of city employees who have long helped to prop up the Koch Maladministration come election time.
Or most any other time of need.


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