— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.
Potholes are the bane of motor vehicles’ existences, especially in Quincy.

A mess of potholes and patches in front of the DPQ headquarters
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file folder
There is one potential bright side to this sorry state of affairs, however: local municipalities are on the hook to pay for damages IF such damage was caused by a pothole that HAS BEEN duly reported to the appropriate point of contact.
In turn, as a public service, Quincy Quarry News is again providing the link to diming out potholes in Quincy — click here.
Granted, if one can spot a pothole, one can miss it as well as then try to remember it among all of the other potholes remembered so as to avoid it in the future, however, one should think of others.
Even if but for a change.
After all, we all have to live in hope and so act if for no other reason than what goes around sometimes comes around for the good of good deed doers.
Even if those who benefit from pothole dimings out done by others still face a daunting if not also an interminable ordeal pursuing a valid filed with the City Solicitor to endeavor to score reimbursement for pothole damage done to their rides.
In short, think in terms of the now no longer germane missive to be kind and rewind.and so opt to pay something forward.instead of taking “things” into one’s own hands as did a frustrated man in Malta.
If we called on every pothole is Quincy, nothing else in our lives would get done. I am OK cursing the Koch heads every time I drive in the City. There are only about a dozen roads that are properly paved and one is Newbury Avenue. Yes, that Newbury with the granite block wall that was constructed with stones from a city project. Where did Clasby get the nerve to do what he did? He watched and learned from the Mayor (who learned from Danny Flynn). I would love someone to assay the granite wall and compare it to stones used on public projects. They came from the same quarry. Must be a coincidence.
The great Quincy tradition—pothole season! Nothing says ‘Welcome to our historic city’ like dodging craters big enough to have their own ZIP codes. But sure, let’s ‘dime them out’ like we’re ratting on mobsters. Maybe if we name them after city officials, they’ll finally get filled!
We all know who all in City Hall could be used to fill potholes as well as a lot of them on a per person. After all, it’s well past time to put them to a good use.