A file photo image c/o Paul Palmer

— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary.


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Rolling to an accident scene
An old Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo

The Tuesday morning commute in Quincy featured word of a school bus involved in a crash care of social media.

While as a general rule Quincy Quarry News is chary about relying on social media, especially a local Facebook site hosted by well-known sphincter, the Quarry usually finds threads posted mostly by mothers of school children valid other than on one side of the ongoing fight over vaccinations.

In this instance, the purported accident involved a Special Education students school bus and it occurred somewhere along Quincy Shore Drive. 

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A duly-shocked reader
Image via abqsafeschools.org

Details, however, the Quarry has yet to be able to score as the sphincter long ago blocked the Quarry from his site and thus the Quarry is resorting to work alternative channels so as to endeavor to score more details to then report to its ever-growing legions of loyal readers.

Even so, count on the Quarry to continue to follow this story and then report updates as might be appropriate.

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