Image via Columbia Pictures
— News via Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Seasons Greetings from Quincy Quarry News for what this year will be an especially busy holiday season!
For example, yesterday was Festivus, a decades-long playful protest of the commercialization of the season; tonight Christmas Eve; tomorrow night sufganiyot, the first night of the nine day celebration of Hanukkah, not that the Menorah in front of Quincy’s City Hall will not be lite until Thursday and thus delayed to the start of Kwanzaa but which Quincy Quarry News could not find will be publicly celebrated in Quincy this year.
Fortunately, with Christmas Day falling on a Wednesday, many will be spreading out their holiday time off from work, not that such will likely spread out holiday traffic and so mitigate traffic congestion.
Speaking of falling, a quick Alberta Clipper is expected to drop up to an inch or more of snow in Quincy with variable amounts of snow falling in other communities throughout Massachusetts by noon today.
In turn, the expected snowfall is expected to refresh last Friday’s doubleheader of now frozen rock hard snowfalls and so provide Kodak moments for the first official White Christmas throughout Greater Boston since 2009.
At the same time as well as needless to say, Quincy Quarry News will be monitoring local roads what with the unarguable fail by the City of Quincy to deal with last Friday’s snow falls, snow that then froze hard given an extended fun of well forecast in advance frigid weather.
Needless to say, the Quarry is thus expecting another fail.
And finally for those wishing to unwind from the holidays, consider schlepping to Somerville for the 17th annual presentation of The Slutcracker, a burlesque alternative take on Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker.

A naughty stage door Santa waiting for a slutty dancer after a performance …
Image via Columbia Pictures
Of particular note for Quincy locals, The Slutcracker’s several week run is at the Somerville Theater. .
Why of note?’
The Somerville Theater is located within but a very short walk from Davis Square T Station on the MTBA’s said to be finally slow-zone free Red Line after many months of reconstructing and otherwise renovating the T’s many miles subway rails.
After all, why risk driving what with many enjoying a least a bit too much holiday cheer at this time of the year?
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