– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

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One and half live trees, left; cut tree, right.
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

The City of Quincy has five large outside Christmas trees in place for the holidays.

Two – or more like one healthy large evergreen tree and a less than healthy but still living large evergreen – and three large cut-down and then propped-up trees have been laden with holidays lights by employees of a private contractor hired by the Koch Maladministration.

So what, apparently, for the fact that in decades past City of Quincy workers used to take care of municipal holiday decorating.

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Quincy chainsaw massacre
A George Romero-created image

Plus, while only God can make a tree, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch, and who previously was Quincy’s longtime Park and Recreation Commissioner, has no problem whatsoever with cutting down healthy and majestic trees so that they can be used as photo ops.

Specifically, for a Christmas tree lighting event on the day after Thanksgiving last week and a second one tonight at the new Generals Park where the Ross Parking Garage once stood between Hancock Street and the Burgin Park Raceway.

At the same time, Quincy Quarry could not find word of any plans by the Koch Administration to honor “The Greatest Generation” on Tuesday, the eightieth anniversary of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

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The Generals Park cut Christmas Tree, left: large photo op party tent, right.
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

So what also, apparently, for the fact that trees are one of the very best – if not the best way – and most environmentally-friendly way to combat global climate change as trees are highly efficient at sequestrating carbon.

Plus, how tough would it be to feature the two live trees next to City Hall and plant a larger tree somewhere in Generals Park rather than cutting down several majestic trees every year?.

Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to the Koch Maladministration for comment on its chainsawing of trees practices.

That and inquire as to just how many smaller indoors also cut Christmas trees there might be scattered among the city’s many buildings.

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“Folks: Christians, Jews, and Moslems are all daughters and sons of Sarah and Abraham.”
A Columbia Pictures image

However, someone in the Quincy Quarry newsroom pointed out how this might be the first time that the maladministration might be willing to respond to the Quarry while concurrently spinning the ask into a disingenuous accusing that the Quarry is a grinch when in point of fact the Quarry just likes living trees as well as is concerned about the environment.

That and how so unduly dissing the Quincy Quarry would also cut it off from asking what happened to the menorah that the City of Quincy used to put on display in front of City Hall during the holiday season by previous mayoral administrations.

Also so cut off at the pass would be broaching how these three cut Christmas trees will likely end up in the Department of Public Works’ compost pile and its anaerobic approach to composting produces considerable methane.

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Ladder truck hosing down compost fire
Image via Universal Hub

After all, on one occasion roughly a decade ago the City of Quincy’s compost pile burst into flames given shoddy composting management practices as well as that this fire then smoldered for days, so adding even more to at least local atmospheric warming as well as worsening air pollution levels.

Then, again, quelle surprise as the Koch Maladministration is renowned for its Q-ups and thus its maladministration moniker.

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