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Uncle QQ needs you!
An iconic American image

As we continue to weather the dog days of summer locally, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers need to remember that key to Citizen Journalism is citizen participation.

In turn, dropping dimes is thus imperative.

With apologies to the original, if you see or hear something, do something! 

And as for doing something, dropping a dime to Quincy Quarry is one option.

Accordingly, for those with a dime or perhaps just as easily a roll of dimes when it comes to Quincy, click here for a primer on just how easy peasy it is to reach out to Quincy Quarry to drop a dime.

After all, binge watching the Olympics is about to end just as the 2024 election season is about to move from the silly season before Labor Day to serious mudslinging after it.

As such, why not sling some of your own!

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