Image credit: David McGlynn

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Judge Cannone has some serious explaining to do
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In a breaking development surely no one saw coming in a case rife with bombshells comes word that the jury in the Karen Read trial were in unanimous agreement that Ms Read was not guilty of murder in the second degree as well as not guilty of knowingly leaving the scene of an alleged motor vehicle homicide, two of the three charges against her.

The only charge where the jury was apparently deadlocked was on the charge of manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor and on which the jury is said to have been hopelessly deadlocked 9 to 3 to convict. 

How these blockbuster developments come to light per multiple reports is that three jurors reached out independently to Ms. Read’s defense to advise the defense of the jury’s consensus to acquit her on two counts and were deadlocked on the remaining count.

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Norfolk District Attorney Read case prosecuton team responding to the news
An old Columbia Pictures image

Needless to say, the defense team has filed motions to see Ms. Read formally found not guilty on the two counts for reasons obvious as well as on the grounds of double jeopardy per the Fifth and other amendments of the US Constitution given that Norfolk County District Attorney and Quincy homeboy Michael Morrissey announced that he planned to retrial Ms. Read on all counts shortly after Superior Court Judge and Quincy native Beverly Cannone declared a mistrial on all counts.

So far the District Attorney has not offered up any comment whereas conversely Judge Cannone is looking to be facing serious review over the purported failure to see Ms. Read duly declared not guilty on two counts and which included the most serious one.

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