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Humans’ best friend!
A meme

On the subject of stray dogs, Mark Twain pretty much nailed it:  “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.  This is the principal difference between a dog and man.”

Today is Rescue Dog Day!

Dogs and humans have a many millennials long and special relationship. 

In fact, this relationship is not only symmetric in oh so many ways, there are solid arguments that the human initial relationship with wolves that begat what we now know as dogs was a huge technological breakthrough on the order of learning how to effectively utilize fire.

After all, just look at what all dogs do in support of people ranging from herding livestock, hunting, variously assisting people with special needs to fearlessly providing security for their peeps.

Plus, what creature is happier to see you when you come home as well as all but invariably?

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