Image via Wheelhouse social media

— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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A Wheelhouse Diner image

This latest impending loss hurts. 

Hurts bad.

The Wheelhouse Diner, a 77 year old local institution, will be closing next month after a settlement was reached yesterday on essentially the courthouse steps given a long ongoing landlord/tenant dispute.

The dispute?

The usual one over rent asked and rent offered.

The difference was not all that much but so it goes.

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Ready to serve but not for much longer
A Wheelhouse Diner image

Also in the mix is that the landlord is a somewhat recent owner as well as plans to redevelopment the site at some point at least a few years down the road. 

In turn, one would think some rental income in the meanwhile would be appreciated but apparently not. 

As such, going away will be the last hometown purveyor in North Quincy of hearty breakfasts such as corned beef hash, eggs and home fries to nice updates on French Toast featuring a nice mix of fresh berries. 

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No more chicken fingers — sad!
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

And for lunch, The Wheelhouse has long offered a wide range of burgers, sandwiches, and other sorts of classics, including chicken waffles featuring chicken fingers and what are one of Quincy Mayor Tom Koch’s fav when dining out meat choice, albeit skinless and broiled.

Soon, however, what is also one of the last old Quincy dining establishments in Mayor Koch’s neighborhood will be calling it a day.

But there is a bright lining and it ties to how we all know what is the nature of payback or perhaps how payback could be seen as — well —”gendered.”

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