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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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All the news that’s fit to eat!
A file photo

The South Shore broadsheet has followed up on its original coverage about the City of Quincy’s Department of Senior Affairs director ending up suspended on paid leave given the appearance of finance improprieties with department’s finances.

Additionally, Quincy Quarry was directly advised that the department head was walked out of the Senior Affairs headquarters on Friday, the locks on the building’s doors changed, and both police and outside auditing personnel brought in to investigate.

Such granular particulars were not provided by the Koch Maladministration, however. 

At best from a larger prepared written statement (see text here) sent out by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch noted, the statement noted that “(t)he precise nature of the ‘financial irregularities’ and the amount of sums involved remain unknown as the investigation gets underway.” 

Further noted was that Koch did not yet know how far back in time the irregularities may go.

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“I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth …”
A file photo

Even so, the statement posed high dungeon as the suspended department head was a long time personal friend of Mayor Koch as well as expressed anger and disappointment even if — again —particulars as to what fueled the rancor were not detailed.

In any event, Quincy Quarry felt it unlikely that Mayor Koch had actually written the somewhat lengthy and carefully crafted statement.

In turn, the geeks on Quincy Quarry’s tech desk thus ran the text through the Quarry’s AI text analysis algorithm.

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Heavy to lift
A Citizen Photojournalist image

The Quarry’s AI bot report not only supported the human read that the written statement was most likely not written by the mayor, the bot also found that the text did not line up with the Quarry’s massive library of spin foisted by Mayor Koch’s Chief of Staff Pinocchio Walkbacker over the years.

Further, the text of the statement did not match the patois uttered by the mayor’s Director of Communications during his and the mayor;s his regular podcasts; then again, the chatter offered up by the Comms Director is mostly fluff uttered by a second banana tasked with making the mayor look good.

Needless to say, talk about heavy lifting.

Is short, again as well as in conclusive, the AI and human consensus is that mayor’s prepared statement was probably the work product of PR media maven George Raygun or at least one of his crisis management operatives or similar sorts of PF flacks.

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