Image Credit: Steve R

— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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“Send back-up ASAP!”
A William Heche via Newsweek

The standalone restaurant east of the Marina Bay boardwalk was visited by Quincy Police per police radio chatter on St Patrick’s Day at roughly 4:30 pm.

While details are less than complete, what was heard by Quincy Quarry’s senior Citizen Police Scanner Monitor was that things sounded to yet again be a bit more than merely boisterous on St Patrick’s Day.

The one particular heard was that an eighty year odd male reveler went down.  Unknown, however was he pushed down, suffered a medical emergency or might have just fell down after a few too many.

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Amp up things …
Image via the Mirror London

Also unknown is if the stricken octogenarian may have been a long time denizen of Marina Bay known for his partying.

Serious partying.

Further unclear was if perhaps other revelers on the scene were a bit green around the gills and/or overly boisterous even if both and more are only reasonable to assume as possible.

After all, it’s five o’clock somewhere.

Especially on St Patrick’s Day.

In any event, this venue was where a City of Quincy department head was seen home by Quincy Police last year on St. Patrick’s Day after most curiously this individual is said to have been inappropriately handsy with a couple of female patrons.

So what, apparently for the fact that last year the mayor’s campaign fund covered a $96.75 tab for a “public safety meeting” at this same venue last year on St Patrick’s Day. 

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News will be checking Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s March campaign fund activity report once it is filed with the Massachusetts Office of Campaign Finance to see if and where the Koch Machine may have picked up the tab on St Patrick’s Day yet again this year as it apparently did not hit its usual pub this year.

At least apparently not on St Patrick’s Day itself this year per Quincy Quarry News’ personnel covering the Q on the day when most everyone is Irish.

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