— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Photojournalist monitoring the ever-increasingly mean and tonight wet streets of Quincy both gathered images of the latest serious pedestrian strike at the intersection of Washington Street and Elm Street in Quincy Center just east of McGrath Highway as well as concurrently called in the crash via 911.
A full response of ambulance, fire and police assets then arrived in short order.
The whacking occurred moments before 6 PM and the pedestrian looks to have flown twenty to thirty feet after being struck by a four-door Jeep Wrangler.
Inexplicably, the whacked pedestrian was kept sitting upright until Brewster Ambulance EMT’s arrived at the crash scene.
While first responders stayed on the scene, traffic was diverted with police remaining on the scene long after other first responders had cleared the scene.
Especially troubling was that this latest pedestrian strike crash scene has the same flashing yellow pedestrian crosswalk lights as video showed were flashing when another pedestrian was struck by a hit and run driver and so seriously injured last week on Southern Artery near its intersection with Quincy Avenue.

Pedestrian crosswalk signal whacked on St Patrick’s Day eve near the Generals Bridge.
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
Given that a flashing yellow crossing signal was struck elsewhere in Quincy less than a year ago, it is thus only reasonable to question the efficacy of these pedestrian crosswalk traffic signals.
That and also question the City of Quincy’s Traffic, Parking, Alarm, and Light Department given that pedestrian strikes in Quincy have been increasing as well as at troubling rates in recent years as well as is also running higher than statewide averages.
It’s an ongoing open season on pedestrians in Quincy.
Is there ANY traffic enforcement other than giving out parking tickets?
In fairness, Quincy Quarry has noticed an uptick in police traffic violation sting operations in recent months. At the same time, it appears that warnings are typically issued rather than citations and thus not scoring much in the way of citation revenue to fund more stings of traffic law scofflaws. Also disconcerting is the appearance that officers on regular patrol do not much cite traffic violators while they are out and about on the ever-increasingly mean streets of Quincy.
I have lived in Quincy for 32 years and this dangerous problem has been getting increasingly worse! I am a pedestrian and MBTA user. I always wait for lights and stay in crosswalk. Drivers, however, are out of control!
Ah, the daily dose of drama from Quincy Quarry News. Who needs TV when you’ve got police scanner snippets delivering prime-time entertainment? Can’t wait for the next episode: ‘Pedestrian Whacked Harder – I’ll stay tuned for more thrilling updates.