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Double parking for a personal errand while on the clock?
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

While out and about on the every-increasingly mean and today wet streets of Quincy, Quincy Quarry News Mobile One happened up a rarely seen City of Quincy Department of Public Works ride: its pothole repair truck!

Unfortunately, the truck was not pulling the asphalt “hot box” trailer that is needed to head up asphalt to effect more lasting hot patch repairs per best practices and standard operating procedures.

Additionally, the truck was double-parked in front of the Quincy Center Post Office as well as its driver was seen sauntering out of the post office and then getting into the truck.

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Potholes at the DPW Headquarters on Sea Street
A Quincy Quarry News file phto

Further, when the driver drove off, he banged a right on Coddington Street and so looked to be heading back into the DPW corporation yard on Sea Street..

Yet again, Only in Quincy©.

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