— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Quincy dodged a near blizzard this past weekend, unlike points north and west of Wusta.
As long addressed by area forecasters, the rain/snow line saved the day for the Q.
Even so, there were some shortcomings responding to the modest local snowfall that ranged from around an inch out on the tip of Houghs Neck to as much as several inches in venues away from the harbor.
For example, the city sidewalk along the library was yet again ignored as of Monday morning even if Kim Joch Koch Plaza in front of Quincy’s two city halls was thoroughly plowed as well as cleared of snow and ice.

Snow shoe tracks of pedestrians along the library sidewalk, left; snow-free Kim Jong Koch Plaza in time for Quincy Mayor Tom Koch’s latest coronation, right.
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Curiously, the usual piling of snow in front of old City Hall to melt did not happen as the snow was apparently instead hauled away.
Then again, it was surely but a coincidence that Mayor Koch’s latest coronation was scheduled on Monday morning and God forbid that his $35 million or thereabouts edifice complex be covered with any snow on his big day.
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