— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Hollywood returned to Quincy on Tuesday to take some said to be likely final location filmings of “pick-ups” for an in the works buddy crime movie currently titled “The Instigators” and which BFF’s and Cambridge homeboys Casey Affleck and Matt Damon.
That and perhaps also for some early in the morning eyeopening shots at a local dive bar for at least some of the film crew.
No sign of Quincy’s peerless gourmand of a mayor at the typically well-catered buffet at the location shoot opposite the Quincy Center Burger King, however, as well as unlike Mayor Koch’s far more active presence during the shooting of the movie Here Comes the Boom mostly in and around old Quincy High School.
The Boom features Quincy Mayor Koch’s doppelgänger Kevin James trying to carry a hackneyed storyline about a teacher turned pro wrestler and which belly-flopped at the box office domestically as well as for the most part was body-slammed by movie reviewers.
In any event, Quincy Quarry did its usual poking around and so found out that one of location shoots this week was undertaken in apparent violation of local use permitting.
Specifically, the location shoot at the Squantum Yacht Club. This yacht club, as well as its neighbor the Wollaston Yacht Club, lose their Certificates of Occupancy permits every winter season as they turn off their water and otherwise shutdown their facilities for the winter until the annual return of the boating season in the spring.

City of Quincy Public Buildings Commissioner and Yacht Club Commodore “Mr. Snippy”
A City of Quincy head shot
The Squantum Yacht Club is further closed to use for the winter given its loss of secondary egress given its taking of its floating docks out of the water during the cold time of the year.
Even so, the Squantum Yacht Club was used for location shoots as well as the yacht club will thus surely be seeing rental income from the movie’s production company — money that the club could surely use as it is Quincy Quarry News’ understanding that the club is essentially broke.
Then again, such is surely but a coincidence even though the City of Quincy’s Public Buildings Commissioner is both a Squantum Yacht Club member as well as thus surely knowledgeable about Certificates of Occupancy in general and the yacht’s club annual wintertime loss of its occupancy permit in particular given that he has been a yacht club officer.
Then again, as the yacht club is already its floats for the winter at the site of Quincy’s temporary animal control facility near the Kennedy Senior Center and adjacent to the City of Quincy’s public schools bus yard, why not score yet another a solid for the connected, especially when it is another one off the books?
“I’m ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille!”