— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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Anne Mahoney, left; Tom Koch, right
Conjoined file photos

Money may not be able to buy true love but spending over a million to promulgate false narratives and negative campaigning on a mayoral election campaign can score a win.

A million spent to stay in a job that only pays $150,943.00 a year.  This fiscal year anyway. 

Then again, when it comes to Kochonomics, it all makes sense if one ingests illegal mushrooms after first drinking heavily.

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Smoke-filled backroom deals happen …
A Cassius Marcellus Coolidge image

That and one can only reasonably assume that public/private alternative revenue streams are possible.

In any event, the final working vote totals were 10,282 for incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch and 8,382 for challenger Anne M. Mahoney.

At his victory party last night at Granite Links, Mayor Koch called it a landslide win; however, a better view would be that the landslide was his roughly nine-fold greater campaign spending tsunami that was largely funded by out of town and typically special interests.

In any event, Quincy Quarry News is now set with four more years of grist for the mill.

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Will the natives rise up given soaring tax bills in 2024 and beyond?
An old Universal Pictures image

For example, will there be blood when Mayor Koch likely has to impose at least a 7% increase in local homeowners tax bills in 2024 to fund Koch’s near 10% increase in city spending for Fiscal Year 2024?

Further remaining to be seen, for but starters, is how how he spins the only to be expected loses on at least a couple of looking to be expensive for local taxpayers lawsuits.

Also anticipated is how will Mayor Koch tap dance around the City of Boston’s all but certain  impending rebuilding of its bridge to Long Island on its mostly already in the bank dimes, unlike the usual creative as well as considerable debt financing griftings of the Koch Maladministration.

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Why are these men smiling? The Quarry knows!
Conjoined LBC Boston images

That and more of same when it comes to the Koch Machine’s granting of variances and providing taxpayer-funded incentives to connected developers.

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