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Just about anytime is the right time for cold one in the Quincy Quarry Newsroom
A file photo A Quincy Quarry staff member photo
This past week’s holiday Monday and finally pleasant fall weather after weeks of rainy weather gave rise to a bit of hooky at Quincy Quarry News.
Actually a lot of hooky, including by Quarry staffers who suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Fortunately, it was a slow week. Locally anyway.
Slower than leaves changing to fall colors this year slow.
About the only thing of some interest was the final campaign debate of this mayoral election season even it was pretty much as predictable as the time of sunset on the day of debate.
Quincy’s current peerless mayor yet again waxed smoothly and made his typical call to support our troops, (his, ed.) religion, eat apple pile, and such. He also an assortment of at best partial fractional truths as the whole truth as well as abject whoopers while also intertwining going negative at every opportunity.
In short, the tactics of a worried incumbent facing an impending election.
Conversely, his opponent, at large City Councillor Anne Mahoney, was not on her game opposite an known to be an underhanded purveyor of low blows.
Specifically, she missed on multiple easy opportunities to bag a runty boar, fi not also a bore.
The Quarry attributes this to entirely understandable distractions.
Her distractions ranged from too many opportunities to process before firing two to the hat to the recent passing of her mother.
At the same time, more importantly noticed at this debate, if not also telling so, was the make-up of Mayor Koch’s supporters in attendance.
An overwhelming number of his supporters were aged as well as long to lifelong Quincy residents whereas the far fewer other supporters tended to be only moderately less gray-haired Koch Machine koch holders who typically dine at the public trough via some sort koched-up not currently heavy lifting city job, paid with federal COVID relief aid funding off of the city’s books or otherwise bought and paid for via the Koch campaign fund — especially by extremely generous developers and other sorts of out of town special interests who have bought their says via their overwhelming funding Koch’s campaign fund
Local residents of color in support of Mayor Koch in what is at all but officially a minority majority diverse community, however, not so much to a point verging on all but not at all.
In any event, the overwhelming presence of seniors for Koch was especially curious.
Why curious?
The only truly plausible explanation for this disconnect is that Quincy’s cherubic Eddie Haskell of a mayor keeps foisting what seniors want to hear in advance of election day even as these senior sheeple look to actually be in the process of being lined up for slaughter or at least their meager pockets picked come all but certain painful property tax increases come the New Year as well as also looking likely to be painful further increases for at least a couple more years thereafter.
Unfortunately for Quincy seniors, June Cleaver died relatively long.
Even so, Quarry personnel in attendance picked up interesting intel from one of its many sources both high but mostly low.
The intel?
Particulars on the Koch Campaign Fund’s ongoing push polling.
Without going into particulars so as to protect this longtime and highly accurate Quincy Quarry News’ source, the polling data appears to be knotting knickers of at least key Kochsters who are privy to the data.
While the Quarry’s source advised that koched-up polling vendor is reporting a not exactly impressive lead for Koch as well as that the results are at odds with the Quarry’s earlier polling, the spread is further subject to all manner of margin of error factors — specifically, polled individuals likely lying to Koch’s pollsters at even higher levels than usual given an understandable fear of repercussions by the Koch Machine.
Such in turn further lines up with Quincy Quarry’s knowing the temperature of a local demographic that has a predictive history of success that New Hampshire can only hope to have when it comes to its presidential elections.
This for the most part conservative-leaning local group is at least generally tired of Tommy as well as many among it are considering the possibility of supporting his fiscally responsible female contender and so perhaps help her to become Quincy’s first female mayor.
Net/net, what the Quarry can thus reasonably suggest is that Koch Maladministration is likely at DEFCON TWO or at least about to be in the final weeks of this year’s election season.
Reasons for this assessment include that Koch’s spokesmodel’s physical appearance on the night of debate was disheveled, looking haggard from a likely lack of sleep, and exhibiting a considerable recent weight gain indicative of living primarily on at best reheated cold pizza.
Net/net Pinocchio could readily viewed as a manner of Wildian Picture of Thomas Koch.
And on other fronts, the Quarry published a story about how Koch has already spent over $425,000 on just campaign consultants to date with at least $500,00 likely to be spent by the time the final campaign consultant bills tied to this election are paid.
$500,000 spent on just campaign consultants by a single candidate in a mayoral election in a small city of just of over 100,000 residents.
Let this humongous spending metric sink in — if, that is, one can.
Even more gobsmacking, one well-respected Massachusetts policy publication reported that Koch has spent (at least, ed.) $600,000 to date on his reelection bid to date and which Quincy Quarry has already advised this media brethren to expect that Koch will likely spend a million on his reelection bid by the time all of his campaign bills are paid.
And as for other news of the week if not purely local in nature, two Quarry stories were of particular significance.
One was the Quarry’s yet again scooping both the South Shore Broadsheet and the local tabloid with word of the only to have long been expected arrest of Turtleboy over his unique coverage variously as well as vehemently challenging the indictment of Karen Read over the death of longtime boyfriend on a dark, stormy, and likely drunken winter night in January of 2022.
To this event, Quincy Quarry News is in receipt of the one scene in the courthouse notes from a Citizen Court Journalist and working on turning into a Quincy Quarry story.
And speaking of stormy weather, the Quarry reiterated its expectation of a snowier weather during the fast approaching winter than has been the case in recent years.
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