— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
In the wake of a loyal Quincy Quarry News reader telling a faux pollster who was actually calling to push pimp the reelection of Quincy’s peerless mayor that Quincy Quarry was this loyal Quarry reader’s top source for news about Quincy, a second loyal Quincy Quarry reader pretty much said exactly the same thing when similarly pimp push junk called.
Needless to, at this time Quincy Quarry can only properly encourage other loyal readers who have been bother by such koched-up junk calls to post comments to this Quincy Quarry story about their similarly being bothered.

Make your opinion known!
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After all, with the Koch campaign fund laying out $37,500.00 so far this year to DAPA Research Inc to make such spam calls as well as surely have phone bank volunteers lined up to inflict bother from the Koch Campaign headquarters, surely other Quincy Quarry readers are being bothered.
That and the nuisance will likely will only increase until the polls close for next month’s local election.
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Fake news they are having a witch hunt with the mayor.
Facts are stubborn things. Deal with them.