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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
After many months of a variety of motor vehicles mostly striking local residences, for a change shortly before lunchtime today a truck struck the somewhat modern five story concrete office building at the corner of McGrath Highway and Washington Street In Quincy Center.
Not only did Quincy Quarry News’ Citizen Police Scanner Monitor hear reports of a whacked office building at 21 McGrath Highway, the Quarry’s police scanner monitor also heard word of an evacuation of the building.
Quincy Quarry thus dispatched its legendary Photo Recon Team Six to secure pictures of the latest building vehicle whacking damage.
At great personal risk to Photo Recon Team Six personnel, Team Six got up close and personal to photodocument that the truck had “storrowed” the building.
Fortunately, to the best of Quincy Quarry’s knowledge, no one was injured other than probably the truck driver’s potential for continued employment.

Storrowed building damage up close and personal
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
What is going on makes me not to drive any more. This Is out of hand!!