Image via The Guardian
— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry News’ Reader Traffic and Trafficking desk has run the numbers on eyeball counts of Quarry readers given the start of Quarry’s ninth year of e-publication recently.
Quincy Quarry’s Traffic and Trafficking desk so found that the ever-growing legions of loyal Quarry readers have been growing at rates that are outstripping Quarry suits’ most optimistic expectations as well as that these latest readership data are corroborated by the Quarry’s also soaring ad revenue via Google Ads.

Favored developers who were busted over campaign fund violations
Conjoined LBC Boston headshots
Key areas of reader interest identified by the Traffic and Trafficking desk include the Quarry’s focus on local politics and the frequent appearances of at least unconscionable ineptitude by City Hall as well as ongoing clear indications of suspected pay for play involving the Koch Maladministration.
As near as can be discerned by the Quarry’s trafficking quants, the still-building rise in reader interest is likely fueled by the lack of hard-hitting political coverage by the South Shore broadsheet and the local maladministration-friendly weekly tabloid, especially in the face of fast approaching local elections for all local elected offices this coming November.

The Koch Machine’s very well-paid Helen Wheels actually working
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Further, the Quarry’s trafficking algorithms have picked up clear indications that koched-up Koch Maladministration members are some of the Quarry’s closest readers as the Quarry has such a solid as well as substantial record of exposing the maladministration’s foibles that surely the Koch Machine maintains no less than DEFCON Three alert statusand which includes monitoring the news of the day e-published by Quincy Quarry News.
#bostonglobe #partiotledger #pulitzerprize #quincysun
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