A Quincy Quarry Citizen Photojournalist image
— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Quincy Police Cruisers and unmarked police cars on the scene
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Photojournalist image
Thursday night roughly an hour after closing time and thus technically in the wee hours of Friday morning, a massive police response to someone wielding a knife menacingly as well as ranting along Washington Street in Quincy Center went down.
The first wave of what ended up to be many Quincy police officers as well as perhaps also officers from other departments rolling to scene set up a line by parking their cruisers near Cagney’s restaurant so as to block traffic traveling on Washington Street towards Quincy Square.
As near as multiple eye witnesses accounts can be distilled. a shirtless man in perhaps his thirties wearing green shorts and lugging a red backpack started brandishing a knife near the now-former Settles Auto Glass location on Washington Street.
A handful of officers then spanned Washington Street on foot with the officers’ sidearms out of their holsters and their flashlights shinning on the man with a knife.
The officers were concurrently trying to encourage the clearly unstable man to drop his knife and surrender, including suggesting that he surely did not want to die.
The man, however, kept slowly backing away from officers while also screaming back at officers as well as brandishing his knife as he so retreated across McGrath Highway and then to the vicinity of the Quincy Public Library main branch and the Quincy Center Post Office as near as could be seen by citizen observers.
Concurrently, ambulances were rolled to near the scene with one ambulance subsequently rolling away with lights flashing and its siren wailing after the knife wielder was taken down by police near the library and then cuffed per police radio chatter.
How the man with the knife was taken down, however, is unclear.
Some residents in the vicinity of the incident who were rousted by all of the commotion and thus out on the street report that he had been shot by police.
At the same time, that only one shot was apparently fired suggested to one of the citizen observers that perhaps the shot heard was of some sort of non-lethal “beanbag” round designed to but stun a person as opposed to a lethal bullet; however, such is but speculative.
In any event, police tasked with establishing a perimeter at the intersection of McGrath Highway and Washington Street told people who came out given all of the commotion to basically go home as there was nothing they wanted to see.
At this point, Quincy Quarry cannot find any other media reports on the incident as well as that the Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers know that it does not expect standard media courtesy for inquiries about this sort of public safety concern nor most another valid concern.
Regardless, Quincy Quarry readers can rest assured that the Quarry will continue to follow this story and the report on this incident as might be appropriate.
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Quincy is overrun by homeless Americans.
Look around, they are living on the streets and in parks all across our city.
It is shameful that our elected officials are prioritizing housing and providing care to undocumented foreigners over citizens.
Quincy’s homeless are family members of good people in our community. Family of people we know!
Luckily, the QPD can look up the criminal record of last night’s man with a knife. Undocumented, not so.
So, just another night on Washington Street, next!